Population Matters
£500 for 10,000ft or £600 for 15,000ft
About Population Matters
Who We Are:
Population Matters is a UK-based charity working with partners, friends and stakeholders globally to achieve a better future for people and planet. We campaign, inform, undertake research and do all we can to encourage an open, fair-minded and constructive debate about population. We aim to create a wave of public awareness and corresponding policy action on overpopulation and unsustainable consumption.
What We Do:
We promote positive, practical, ethical and entirely voluntary solutions – encouraging smaller families, inspiring people to consume sustainably, with the aim of enabling everyone to enjoy a decent quality of life whilst respecting and sustaining the natural ecosystems upon which all life on earth depends. We empower choice. In a world of finite resources our reproductive and consumption choices are critical for achieving that vision of humanity in harmony with nature, prospering on a healthy planet. We believe everyone should have the freedom and ability to choose a smaller family. We are committed to human rights, women’s empowerment and global justice. We believe action to address population must always be consistent with their principles.
Why We Need You:
The United Nations expects world population to rise to more than 9 billion by 2050, and 11 billion by 2100. What we do in the next 10 to 20 years will largely determine the scale of this increase, the future quality of human life on the planet and the prospects for survival of our fellow species. Change will occur only if we take action. You can help by taking our e-actions, supporting our campaigns and making personal lifestyle choices.
Charity Details
Population Matters
Contact:Clare Sage
Charity Sector
Community & Homeless
Human Rights
Jump Dates
Choose a pre-booked jump date:
Population Matters has no pre-booked jump days. You can still jump on a date of your choosing.
Choose your own jump date
Raising money for your tandem skydive via an online fundraising page makes it quick and simple for your friends and family to support you. You can share the link to your fundraising page via your social media pages and through texts and emails. If you haven’t done so already click through now and set-up your page or check out our Fundraising Ideas page to help you get the most out of your Charity Skydive.
How it works
Booking a charity jump
If you need help putting together your jump package, our Sales Team is more than happy to assist you. We’ll ensure you get a charity discount of £25 off our 10,000ft or 15,000ft skydives when your charity is selected. Determine if your charity expects you to meet a fundraising target or if you will be self-funding the skydive.
You’re all set to start fundraising once you’ve booked your skydive! Your charity can help you with fundraising, and we’ll be available to answer any questions you have about the skydive!

Build your team
Skydiving is even more exhilarating when shared with friends, why not invite your friends and family and create a shared experience with memories that will last a lifetime.
Select Your charity
Choose one of our 300 registered charities or jump in support of your own charity. Each registered charity will state if they will contribute to some of your jump cost or if you need to self-fund your own place.
Book your Skydive
Book individually or as a group with just a £50 deposit per person. Some of the charities we work with have reserved spaces on pre-booked days that you are more than welcome to join. See our date picker tool below.
Start fundraising
OK you're all set - We recommend you set up an online fundraising page as all funds you raise will automatically go to the charity of your choice.